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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Aneurysms - Hope to lives secure with a Super Glue

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

“Aneurysm” word is identified from the ancient Greek which comes into the meaning of dilate or widening. In aneurysm, blood vessels in the wall become thicker like a balloon because of filling of the blood. It usually creates in arteries at the base of the brain – the circle of Wills. An aortic aneurysm creates in the main artery moving blood from the left ventricle of the Heart. When the dimension of an aneurysm enhances, a severe risk of rupture, hemorrhage including other complications and ultimately death is developed immediately.


According to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation of America, about 25,000 of US national become disabled or even died because of a rupture aneurysm on each year. In UK at least 5,000 people undergo a burst brain Aneurysm due to the blister on the wall of an artery that may create life threatening brain hemorrhages.     


However it is not obvious what causes of aneurysms are? Very few aneurysms are linked with birth (congenital) and some illustrate to the different faults of the artery wall. High blood pressure, high cholesterol level, smoking could create some sort of aneurysms but high blood pressure plays a vital role in creating abdominal aortic aneurysms. Major risk factors for an aneurysm are including diabetes, overweight, high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, deficiency of copper and the age factor.  

Pregnancy is often associated to the creation and rupture of Splenic artery aneurysms.

Aneurysm’s place is often found at the main artery from the heart (the aorta), the brain – cerebral aneurysm, in the leg behind the knee Popliteal artery aneurysm, Intestine – mesenteric artery aneurysm and An artery in the spleen – splenic artery aneurysm.


Cerebral Aneurysm’s symptoms create due to aneurysm’s pushing on a structure in the brain. However the symptom varies for an aneurysm that are ruptured and the ones that are not ruptured. 

Symptom for an aneurysm that has not ruptured:
Lesser ability of observation
Communicating problems
Symptoms for a ruptured aneurysm:
Severe headaches
Loss of vision some time double vision
Neck pain and stiffness
Pain above and behind the eyes


It commonly has been diagnosed through an adequate physical test including – CT scan and Ultrasound


Generally aneurysm is recommended for surgery depending upon its symptoms, diameter and the type of aneurysm.
A Hope for the sufferer of Aneurysms:
According to the Maj. Christopher Koebbe, M.D., Bechtold’s Neurosurgeon of America Aneurysm is a blister or bulge – a weakness along the wall of an artery. The risk of aneurysm is started from its rupture due to brain hemorrhage. About 50 to 60% patients are died or be disabled by the hemorrhage. Koebbe was also attacked by the brain aneurysms about ten years ago but fortunately he was recovered through invasive open surgery with large incisions in the skull.  
As per Koebbe the new technology has change the game. This is a great innovation. Through this we can mostly fill the Aneurysm from the inside out. It’s a super-glue-like fluid namely ONYX.  
He described that we basically make a small opening in the femoral artery in the groin area and track long catheters into the brain cavities, into the arteries of the brain. The minute that fluid hits the blood, it immediately polymerizes or forms a solid. The glue literally doesn't escape the aneurysm. There's no blood getting into the aneurysm. Thus, the aneurysm is cured - it's not going to bleed.
Bechtold's surgery took less than an hour.
In "before" and "after" photos, Koebbe pointed out the treatment "almost took an eraser and just erased the aneurysm from the picture."


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