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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Is Russel Armstrong’s Suicide a lesson for the Businessmen?

Thursday, 18 August 2011
The alienate husband of the Taylor Armstrong was found dead in his home which is situated at Mulholland Drive, Los Angles after committing suicide in his bedroom. According to the Police sources the 47 years old man was found dead after being committing suicide through a clear and visible hanging in his apartment. However there was no solid or documented proof has been found out the reasons of the suicide.

According to the latest information Armstrong was trying to settle his differences with his wife who had already filed a case in the Family Court for separation from her husband since July 15, 2011. The marriage was ended only within 6 years. Taylor had accused Armstrong of physically torture and abused. She also demanded her husband for spousal and child support expenses.

On an instance Armstrong had given opinion about his deteriorating marriage life and said, ‘I don’t want to give any bad impression and not to convey wrong message that we are the bitter enemies’. I have tried my best to resolve my disputes with my wife but unfortunately at the end we both are reached on a point that we could not live together for a longer period and we must have to take a decision so we decided to separate from each other. Of course it was a very difficult situation but we have taken a decision for the best interest of my family and single daughter, who is just five years old. After the end of our marriage life our daughter would be our first priority.

Russel Armstrong was an American banker and a businessman who got wealth of worth $1M through the biggest deals with almost 200 companies. He was the founding Managing Director of Crescent Financial Partner. Along with his wife he was appeared on the first season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Russel Armstrong was also very disappointed over his debt problem which has been mounted about $10M while his real and existing assets were about $ 50,000 only and his credit cards were also declined into a restaurant.

The MyMedicalRecords.com had also filed a case against Russel Armstrong of making corruption and violating the terms and conditions of the agreements. According to the Richards Russel was trying very hard to maintain his lifestyle and the past couple had frequently attend weekly social events, the dinners etc consequently he had to pay huge amounts on that occasion hence he came under the heavy burden of debt. Taylor Armstrong’s $60,000 was spent on a birthday party of her daughter was marked in an episode of “Real Housewives’. Also Taylor desired to be closed to their daughter 5 years old Kennedy.

It is said that most probably the debt burden could be one of his suicide cause. Absolutely  not some of Russel closed friends have thought that the debt problem is not only a single reason of his suicide but his troubled family life was the biggest reason of his death.
Why people take their life by self?

Almost all the religions i.e. Judaism, Islam and Christianity are equally condemned to the acts of suicide but its affects are varies from its conditions, culture and beliefs. Suicide act has been considered as a mental illness, whenever a person can’t solve their problems in any way and he thinks that death is the last option. Some societies take to the suicide attempt as a crime and in some societies suicide attempts have been adopted only for pointing out their demands. Someone take his life by self to highlight their voice to the superior authorities, hunger strike is the example of this type of suicide. ‘Suicide attack” is another type when the attacker thinks that his opponents are of more powerful than his strength.

Almost 1 million people globally commit suicide every year and at least 10 to 20 million people are attempted for suicide. Only in the United States more than 30,000 people have been killed themselves reportedly every year in which the younger generations are on the top position. Mostly the causes of committing suicide in younger generations are ‘indulged in love’ lack of money and personal social issues. In the US the boys between 15 to 19 years age commit suicide twice as often as their female takes in. Boys 20 to 24 years old commit suicide ten times as often as women their age.

Gay, lesbians are on added hazards for thinking about and attempting suicide as compared to the heterosexual youngsters. 


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